105 for the Commodore 64 (updated 2021-08-15)

105 is a simple game that I wrote for the Commodore 64. It is written in assembly (machine code) that I have recently gotten in to. (I did have a C64 in the 80s, but only dabbled in BASIC back then.) I'll try to briefly explain the aim of the game. The game has similarities with Blackjack, where the goal is to score 21. In 105 though, there are 5 piles of cards to reach 21 on. (Observant readers probably already noticed that 21 times 5 is 105.) You can find the download below. How to play A card is taken from a shuffled deck and you need to choose on what pile it should go. You can do this with the keys 1 to 5, or using the joystick left, right and fire. But hurry, because you only have 10 seconds to choose! The goal is to score as many points as possible and beat your own, or other players' scores in the hi-scores. Screenshot created with VICE A total of 98 or higher will allow you to collect points (105 obviously giving you most points) to add to your runni...